For the woman who…

Feels like she can never be HERSELF.
Is tired of living someone’s else’s STORY.
Wants to know what her true VOICE sounds like.
Knows she has something UNIQUE to bring to the world.
Desires to live her most AUTHENTIC life.
Demands to be FREE of the stories, opinions, and beliefs of others.
Seeks to RECLAIM her authentic JOY.
Wants to TRUST her HEART again.
Is ready to REWRITE her story and RECLAIM a life that is TRUE to herself.

Rebel Heart

Choose, Heal, and Become Your Most Authentic Self

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Meet Your Guide

Meet Your Guide ✳

Today, I am free of the stories, opinions, and beliefs of others. I have stepped out of the victim stories and instead, have chosen to embody what it means to be a conscious co-creator of my life and my experience here on this Earth.

I hope the same for you.

I pray that all people, everywhere, would once know the power inherent in being exactly who they are.

Are you ready to discover yourself?

Let’s Go!

Welcome to Rebel Heart! I’m so honored and excited to be supporting you on this journey of RECLAIMING YOUR MOST AUTHENTIC SELF.

We all have a set of beliefs, stories, opinions, and even feelings and emotions that are not ours. We all act in ways that we learned from our parents and other caretakers, siblings, peers, teachers, and others throughout our lives.

The problem is: most of us don’t realize this. Or, if we do, we don’t know what to do about it. Most of us just accept who we are as THE TRUTH, when in fact, if we knew we had the choice, we would think, feel, and act in a completely different way.

That’s why I started Rebel Heart. I’ve spent the last 3 years on a quest of discovery, asking myself WHO AM I? What I discovered was my purest, realest, truest, and most authentic self.

That doesn’t mean I like everything about myself. There are some ways of being that I dislike… like my body, or the way I get overwhelmed in busy places. But now… I LOVE MYSELF anyways. I see myself through the eyes of compassion and warmth. I no longer judge or reject these parts of me.

What you’ll learn

  • Throughout the month one, we will uncover every story you have about who you are, what you are capable of, what you are deserving of, and how you experience the world. We will get out of the Box.

  • Throughout month two, we will learn to let go of every story, opinion, belief, and emotion that is not ours. We will free ourselves from attachments and anything that is getting between us and our Highest, most Embodied Self.

  • Throughout month three, we will learn how to embody our new skin. We will learn how to live the story we were meant to live: OUR STORY. We will finally learn to feel at home inside our own hearts.

Art by Autumn Skye